Dispositivi in materiale metallico
Il laboratorio chimico di Certottica esegue la prova di rilascio nichel secondo le seguenti norme.
EN 16128:2015 “Reference method for the testing of spectacles frames and sunglasses for nickel release”
EN 12472:2005 “Method the simulation of wear and corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated items;
EN 1811:1998 + A1/2008 “Reference test method for release of nickel from products intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin;
Personale qualificato offre prove di laboratorio anche su problematiche specifiche che richiedono soluzioni “su misura”.
Si eseguono, infatti, prove come Cass Test e AWT, oltre a prove chimiche su dispositivi occhiali in metallo e plastica, inserti in cuoio e tessuti, astucci e bigiotteria, sia secondo le norme europee che le norme internazionali qui di seguito elencate (elenco non esaustivo).
EN 1122:2002 “Plastics – Determination of cadmium –
Wet decomposition method”
ASTM E1645-01 (2016) “Standard Practice for Preparation of Dried Paint Samples by Hotplate or Microwave Digestion for Subsequent Lead Analysis”
ASTM E1613-12 “Standard Test Method for Determination of Lead by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS), or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS) Techniques”
EN 71-3:2014 “Safety of toys – Migration of certain elements
CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3 “Total Lead in Metal”
CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3 “Standard Operating Procedure for determining total Lead (Pb) in non-metal children’s products”-
CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1 “Standard Operating Procedure for determining total Lead (Pb) in Paint and Other Similar Surface Coatings”
CPSC-CH-C1001-09.3 “Standard Operating Procedure for determination of phthalates”
ISO 17234-1:2015 “Chemical test of determination of certain azo colourants in dyed leathers”
EN ISO 17075:2008 “Leather: Determination of Chromium (VI) content”
ISO 17072-1:2011 “Leather: Chemical determination of metal content-Part 1: Extractable metals”
ISO 17072-2:2011 “Leather: Chemical determination of metal content-Part 2: Total metal content”
ISO 17226-2:2008 “Leather: Chemical determination of formaldehyde content-Part 2: method using colorimetric analysis”
ISO 4045:2008 “Leather: Chemical test of determination of pH”
ISO 11642:2013 “Leather: Tests for colour fastness – Colour fastness to water””
ISO 14184-1:2011 “ Textiles: Determination textiles of formaldehyde – Part 1: Free and hydrolysed formaldehyde (water extraction method)”
EN 14362-1:2012 “ Textiles: Methods for determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants – Part 1: Detection of the use of certain azo colorants accessible with and without extracting the fibres”
ISO 3071:2006 “ Textiles: Determination of pH of aqueous extract”
ISO 105 E04:2013 “Textiles-Test for colour fastness. Part E04: Colour fastness to perspiration”
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Our team is at your disposal, send us a message and we will reply
CertDolomiti LTD
Registered Office: 17 Grosvenor Street, Mayfair, London – W1K 4QG – United Kingdom
Operational Headquarters: Castlemead, Lower Castle Street – Bristol BS13AG – United Kingdom
Certdolomiti has been set up on 11th February 2021 and it stems from the expertise of Certottica (Italian Notified Body for the Certification of Optical Products) founded in the early 90s, and Dolomiticert (Italian Notified Body for the Certification pf PPE for the whole body)
Registration Number 13197511 | VAT Registration Number 376465950
It is possible to lodge a complaint and/or appeal against a decision taken by the company CERTDOLOMITI Ltd by means of a written communication to be sent by fax (0437/573131), registered letter, or by e-mail to complaints@certdolomiti.com, according to the methods specified in the Regulations for the Dolomiticert Certification PQ.16.101.004, which can be downloaded directly from the CERTIFICATION page.
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